Papa John's Valentine's
Every Pizza QSR makes heart shaped pizzas on Valentine's day. So what can Papa John's do differently to attract people's attention? Well, we used all our digital channels and turned them into a Papa John's Valentine's day gift bundle.
First, we get really cheesy with our pizzas.
And of course you need a card. So we partnered with Snapchat to make a special Valentine's Day card lens.

If you missed that, we also turned our stories into super cheesy Valentine's day cards. We made sure our fans were fully covered.

Result: There's a whole lot of loving.
#1 sales day in history. 1.1 million pizzas sold. Valentine’s Day has officially become Papa John’s “Super Bowl.”

RE/MAX - As Seen On TV
After RE/MAX agents saw the cufflinks we used in our TV spot, they immediately flooded our social channels with many requests. RE/MAX made a limited amount and decided to do a giveaway. So we did what we have to do: As Seen on TV QVC ad.

RE/MAX BOOJ is a new technology platform for their agents. It has the latest technologies to help them sell houses in the most efficient way. We're tasked to help break the news.
We teased them with movie-style posters for the BOOJ launch as if it was a feature film starring RE/MAX agents and their new technology.

Result: We won a Shorty, not bad for couples social posts.
156K total impressions and 9,551 total engagements on the Teaser Campaign
Won a Shorty